Backgarden Therese Schwartzestraat The Hague

8.00 x 10.00m
December 2020
April 2021, by Thomas Kroon Hoveniers
June 2022
This backgarden belongs to a house that is part of a former barracks-complex. The garden borders a large public courtyard. The surrounding beech hedges were already there. The owners are a hardworking young couple; a low-maintenance garden was therefore a wish. From the entrance gate a path of bricks leads along the hedge into the garden. On the left there is a sunken shell terrace, surrounded by lush planting. In front of the house is a second smaller terrace, made of Portugese granite and bricks. From here you walk under a double overgrown pergola down to the shell terrace, via two Cortensteel steps. The result is a colourful, lush, low-maintenace garden with a lot of privacy.